Summer Personal Progress Infographic

Summer Personal Progress Infographic with Fun Ideas in Each Value

Summer is great for a lot of things, and one of those things is Personal Progress. Quite a few people are choosing to do the Summer Personal Progress Challenge, which makes me so happy! Inspired by that, I got thinking about some creative ways one could go about completing Personal Progress over the summer, that maybe wouldn't be as feasible during the rest of the year.


I am a lover of infographics, though I must admit I'm not the most refined designer of such. Nevertheless I had a lot of fun making this one! I've done nearly all of these in summers past, and I can say that they become even more fun when you get friends involved at mutual to work on some of these.

Summer Personal Progress Infographic with Fun Ideas in Each Value


I've also divided it up into bite-sized chunks for easier sharing!

Summer Personal Progress Infographic with Fun Ideas in Each ValueSummer Personal Progress Infographic with Fun Ideas in Each ValueSummer Personal Progress Infographic with Fun Ideas in Each ValueSummer Personal Progress Infographic with Fun Ideas in Each Value

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making this!!! It's perfect! I didn't know exactly what I was looking for until I found this! It'll be the best handout to give my beehives this month to get their summer started right :) and it's super cute!! Thank you thank you thank you!
